Times we meet together

Ecumenical Sunrise Service

Easter Sunday 9th April 6.00am - Venue - Remembrance Garden at St Mary's Church

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

January 18th - 25th annually

(8 days of prayer and a Sunday Celebration) 

World Day of Prayer

 Women's World day of prayer 1st Friday in March annually

Saturday March 3rd 11.00am St Mary's Church, speaker Revd Kay Garlick

If anyone would like to make a donation you can do so via the website or
text 2022WDP5 to 70085 to donate £5 from your mobile phone. World Day of Prayer

Pentecost Celebration

Pentecost Celebration 2022 - Cancelled due to Queen's Jubilee Celebration  

Contact one of the Churches for more information.

Light up a Life

 A time to remember those we have loved and lost.

27th November at 6.00pm

For more details visit the link -

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