We acknowledge that by working together "as one body" we can achieve far more than any single congregation and we can share resources and best practice. Above all, we can demonstrate the power of God's unconditional love for us all as He makes all things possible through the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

What's On in Ross and District

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  - 


The theme this year is "Who is my Neighbour?" and the services have been written by the Christian communities in Burkina Faso.

During the week there will be opportunities to meet for prayer.

On Sunday 21st there will be a Bring & Share lunch at (12.30 for 1pm) at The Venue, Hill Street (the old Y-Zone) followed by a short joint service.

On the other days, the following churches will be hosting a short (15-minute) time of prayer at 12 midday.

Thursday 18th - Ross Baptist Church*

Friday 19th - Christian Life Church, Larruperz Centre (Music Room)

Saturday 20th - Ross Baptist Church*

Monday 22nd -Parish Room, St Frances of Rome (led by the New Life Church)

Tuesday 23rd - St Frances of Rome

Wednesday 24th -Forest Community Church, Henry St

Thursday 25th - St Mary's

*Prayer room – back of the church – accessed through car park on Hill St.

Community Freecycle

Isa 55:1 "you who have no money, come buy and eat!"

 Quarterly, at "The Venue" Ross Baptist Church

Please contact Sarah 07792 866209 for more details

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